Welcome to Naale Elite Academy!

Get a full scholarship for remarkable studies in top high schools in Israel!

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Interested in Naale for yourself or for your teen?


Is your teen Jewish?
(according to the Law of Return)

Are you Jewish?
(according to the Law of Return)

Unfortunately your teen is not eligible for Naale
Unfortunately you are not eligible for Naale
two students gesture ok

How old is your teen?

How old are you?

We'll be happy to sign them up once they are 13.5 years old and up! Currently they are too young for Naale
We'll be happy to sign you up once you are 13.5 years old and up! Currently you are too young for Naale
Unfortunately you are not eligible for Naale. Contact your Regional Manager for further details and exceptions.
Unfortunately your teen is not eligible for Naale. Contact your Regional Manager for further details and exceptions.

Select the country your teen in

Select the country you are in



You teen has passed the initial qualifying round.

Please leave your/your teen’s details and we will contact you as soon as possible:


You have passed the initial qualifying round.

Please leave your details and we will contact you as soon as possible:

Children jump

Thank You!

Meanwhile, check out our socials to learn more about us!