[From page 85]

In ripped overalls
The girl sat
Inhaling nicotine
She looked like she belonged
In a scene from the nineties

Her hair was short
She had curves all around
And her mouth hung
In a perpetual frown

The world just wasn’t good today
It should have turned
A different way

And she exhaled
Smoke and disappointment
Into the atmosphere to dissipate

Facing forward
Side by side
Leaning in
And sharing
Shoulders rocking with mirth

The time has flown
And now we’re old
And have become
Two trees
With separate roots
But tightly twined
Leaning on each other
Holding each other up

How lucky am I
To have you at my side
Our friendship runs deep
And I always keep
That in mind

Sometimes hope fails me
And despair takes its place
It brings along indifference
To laugh me in my face

Joy tries to sneak around
And come out of my soul
But fatigue strikes back
And takes away control

Then hope perks up
And seeps right through
Doubt and fear
Who were hanging out too

And hope breaks free
Joy jumps right in
And loneliness leaves
For a little bit

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