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Ravit Bar-Av

Ravit Bar-Av has been managing public relations and community outreach for non-profit organizations for over 20 years. As a branding and capacity building consultant, she helps social organizations fulfill their missions and reach their goals.

Among her previous positions, Ravit has served as the Public Relations and Community Outreach at the National Urban Alliance, Director of Information and PR at the Peres Center for Peace, and Chief Information Officer and Israel Education Director at the Consulate General of Israel in New York.

Ravit is Naale’s most veteran regional manager, working with the organization since 2011. She also serves as a board member of the Council for Hebrew Language and Culture in North America. She believes that Naale offers a unique opportunity for Jewish teenagers from North America.

In her words: “Representing Naale gives me the opportunity to fulfil my personal Zionist quest even while living aboard. For me every family that joins the broad family of Naale gives me great satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment.”

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