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Modern Orthodox High School for Girls in Israel

If your daughter is looking for an Israel experience that combines strong Jewish learning, the opportunity to complete a matriculation certification program and fulfilling social experiences with other Torah-committed girls, check out Naale at Ulpanat Amana. The Naale program at Ulpanat Amana high school offers an atmosphere where observant high school girls from around the world can bond with each other, with Torah and with the Land of Israel.

Ulpanat Amana is a an Israeli high school whose program is specifically geared towards young Jewish girls who want an opportunity to study Torah together with secular high school subjects while they participate in a vibrant Israeli high school social experience.

The Naale program takes place in 26 different accredited high schools in Israel through Israel’s Ministry of Education.  Students from around the world live, work and study together as they grow in their learning, in their connection to Judaism and to their love of the Land of Israel.

Ulpanat Amana high school is staffed by rabbis, rebbetzins and experienced educators who both teach and guide the girls through their high school studies in Israel. 

Yeshiva high school for girls is the chance to learn in High School for girls and a satisfying social involvement in other Torah-submitted young ladies.


Ulpanat Amana High School Educational Program

During their studies through Naale, girls aged 13 – 17 live together at Amana in a supervised dorm in Kfar Saba, a suburban community located just north of Tel Aviv. Girls study religious subjects as well as secular subjects. During the first year of the program, an intensive Hebrew-language ulpan is introduced in order to immerse the girls in Hebrew without overwhelming them. After the first year, in which Hebrew is integrated as a second language, Hebrew becomes the core language of instruction.

Ulpanat Amana follows the Israel Ministry of Education Israeli high school curriculum. Students study at their own levels. Every girl can choose the level at which she feels comfortable (for instance, all students prepare for a basic three-point Math matriculation but any student who wants a higher-level four-point or five-point Math matriculation certificate can study towards that higher-level certification).

Ulpanat Amana features Torah studies as well as secular subjects such as art, computer science, literature, social science, chemistry, technology, physics, graphic art, drama, Krav Maga, biology and more.

A wide variety of extra-curricular activities are offered throughout the year and a number of trips throughout Israel are included in the schedule.


Community Living

At Ulpanat Aman , students live in dorm rooms with 4 girls to each room. The girls eat together in the dining room and in addition to 3 daily meals, the girls have access to a kitchen where they can prepare snacks. The dorm is supervised by counselors, a dorm mother and an Ulpana coordinator. Ulpanat Amana abides by all government regulations regarding communal living including all COVID-19 related restrictions and limitations. 

The campus is equipped with computer rooms, a sports hall, basketball court and home economics room. Greenery surrounds the campus which is guarded 24/7. There’s a laundry room where students can do their own laundry (detergent is provided)

A typical day at Ulpanat Amana involves:

6:30 wake up
7:30 breakfast
8:00 tefillah/classes begin
13:15 lunch and break
16:25 end of classes
17:00 homework
18:00 dinner
20:00 extra-curricular activities
22:00 return to dorms
23:00 lights out

Ulpanat Amana is one of Israel’s top high school programs for girls who want to live in a community of their peers. Jewish values and traditions are observed with Shabbat and holidays celebrated both within the Amana community and with adoptive families. The school’s teachers are members of the Kfar Saba Orthodox community and the girls are encouraged to participate in local community events.


Tuition for Naale

Students accepted to Naale, receive a full tuition for the entirety of their studies through Naale. Families pay a $600 one-time application fee and, upon acceptance to Naale, a one-time administrative fee of $600. Naale program covers airfare to Israel when they join the program, room and board, school supplies, class trips and spending money for the three or four years of studies on the program.

Ulpanat Amana accepts Naale students arriving in 9th grade or 10th grade, and they continue their studies all through 12th grade, when they graduate with a full matriculation certificate.

For boys who are looking to go to a Modern Orthodox High School Yeshiva, Naale offers the option of Shaalvim Yeshiva High School, which is half way between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, only 5 minutes from the city of Modiin. You can read more about it here.

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